Vital Values

Paediatric Vital Values is a simple, quick reference to the normal physiological range of heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure… and now GCS, in children of various ages.
In portrait mode, the app displays the physiological reference range for a particular age group. Quickly cycle through different age ranges with a swipe of the finger or go straight to the age range required with a simple click. A handy timer is displayed to aid in the measurement at the bedside. Rotate the device to landscape mode and all physiological ranges are displayed in an easy to read table. If you have an Apple Watch, then Vital Values will even support that giving you the most convenient way to view the data.
Paediatric GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale) flash cards are also displayed on the GCS tab for quick reference. Swipe left and right to switch between Pre-Verbal and Verbal responses.
This app supports auto resume so the information is available as quickly as pulling a card out of your pocket.
Paediatric Vital Values is intended as a guide to the normal physiological range of heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure in children of various ages.
The information contained in this app is congruous across many sources internationally and is meant to augment not replace clinical decision making. Responsibility ultimately lies with the clinician to assess the child completely and decide how unwell they are. It should be noted that a child with normal vitals can be very unwell and a child with abnormal vitals can have a relatively mild illness. Vital Values is not meant to act as a substitute for clinical judgement and all information should be checked against local guidelines.
The information contained in this app has been checked for accuracy but the developers are not responsible for incorrect treatment given due to typographical or other errors in this product, user negligence, or user error.
This product is, to the extent permitted by law, provided on an as is basis without warrantees or guarantees of any kind. By agreeing to use this software the user accepts that neither the developers nor any parties involved in the preparation and publication of this software will be held liable for any damages of any kind as a result of the whole or part of any user’s reliance on this product.
Privacy Policy
Vital Values is a stand-alone application containing hard-coded data for reference purposes. It does not make any request for personal data or store personal data in any way. No data, personally identifiable or otherwise, is transmitted or stored by the application either for use by the application or third parties.